Download and install the Microsoft C++ 2013 Redistributable. You can use the link here or from your Albany Backups onboarding email.

Download and install the Albany Backups client software using the link from your Albany Backups onboarding email. Once downloaded, open your download directory and double click on the installer. Because the backup program works closely with your system, you’ll need to have administrative privileges to install the backup client.

After you start the installer, you’ll see the welcome screen appear after a short time. Click next to continue or cancel to abort the installation.

Select a location to install the software, the default location is usually adequate for the client.
Once you click Install, the installer will start copying files into your selected directory and perform system updates.
After the installation is finished, the installer confirms that the installation was successful and allows you to start the Albany Backups client.

You are now ready to use the backup software, see our support library for an overview of how to setup a file or image backup.